When: Friday, January 13, 2017 at 7 PM - 9 PM
Where: Studio 23: 2309 Encinal Ave, Alameda
What: 2016 came and went-- how did this year impact you? Relive the craziness in an exhibit called “A Look Back at 2016,” hosted by Studio 23. If this year impacted you negatively, the night can provide opportunities for healing. On the other hand, if this year impacted you positively, the night can provide opportunities for celebration. Regardless, this is a great way to meet local members of the art community. All of the art had to have been created this year and, if you want to find out more about any piece, all of the artists will be present.
Studio 23 calls for a broad range of submissions, as the theme for the exhibit is very open-ended. The studio calls for work created in 2016, or in the 2016 artwork challenge, or for work related to the past year. Prepare yourself to see renditions of Trump’s orangeness, or the faces of presidents impeached in year, such as in Brazil and South Korea. Remind yourself of the tragedy occurring in Syria, and witness the faces of other tragedies occurring in the world.
The studio allows anyone following the above themes to submit their work. Unfortunately, the submission deadline for this exhibit has already passed. However, future exhibits, such as Space-Time Continuum Event Horizon in April will provide an opportunity for anyone wanting to present their work.
Want to showcase your work? It is generally easy to have it displayed at the studio’s exhibits. Studio 23 has no hanging fee and only takes 30% commission, much less than most galleries. To find out more about having your art displayed, you can contact the studio at art@alamedaartists.com.
Is your resolution for 2017 to be more artsy? Studio 23 provides an outlet for that as well with meetups and classes for sketching. You can be part of the The Alameda Artist Group, a group for artists in all creative media and practicing at all skill levels. Participation in classes is not a requirement for participating in meetups.
This is a great opportunity to be inspired through others and to learn new techniques and hone your craft. The meetups are laid back and start off with planning out new locations and themes. Past ideas have included sketching cranes from the ferry or sitting in a coffee shop and studying the patrons. Artists do not have to be from Alameda, but in general, most of the meetups are held in the island city.
There is no required fee for meetups except for a suggested donation of $5-$10. Donations go to pay for Meetup.com fees, group art shows and various art supplies. It is important to note that special events and classes may require additional fees. The cost of each class or event will vary depending on supplies needed and will be announced at the creation of the event. The studio and groups appreciate all contributions! For more information on the group, check out https://www.meetup.com/Alameda-Artists//.
The exhibit is free. Those who only want to check it out can do so by visiting the studio at 2309 Encinal Ave, Alameda. There is no on-site parking at the studio. For more information, contact art@alamedaartists.com or (415) 580-2309.
Images from Studio 23 event page, meet up page